Pip is the Rainbow one and Pop is the Spotty one. They are two funny puffles. Me and my best friend made a video with them. Its called opposite day. This is it:
I hope you like it!
Stay weird and poppy!
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Pip & Pop
Hi guys! This is Pip and Pop:
Pip is the Rainbow one and Pop is the Spotty one. They are two funny puffles. Me and my best friend made a video with them. Its called opposite day. This is it: I hope you like it! Stay weird and poppy! STAMPS!!!
Sorry im late with the stamps. My download went down so I couldnt go on the internet until this month. But these are my stamps:
and And theres a new button added: Its really cool, the new stamps! Well, stay weird and collectible! Sorry. So very SorryIm so sorry for many reasons: 1.I haven't posted cheats and blogs lately. 2.I missed out on ALOT of cheats 3.I used a hamster picture. Im very sorry. I'll try to stay on track! So verry sorry. Stay weird and sorry More sneek Peeks
Another sneek peek on the sneek peek things.
It looks like the Crab that steals money, from Aqua Grabber and a penguin dancing. Oh well lets wait and see! Stay weird and wait. NEW MUSIC!!!
New music in the CD box!!!! Theres House Blend, Reggaetron and Desi-Bel. Look:
Im soooo buying them!! Stay weird and Funky! Series "9" is out!!
OMG! Series 9 already! Oh My Gorilla's!! Look!!
Press the beak of the girl penguin. Click the start of the Shadow Wave Click the diamonds on the wand, the wizard is holding. Click the eye of the lobster suit. And thats it! Stay weird and SERIEous. Thank you to...
Hey guys! Remember how I had and Australian Club Penguin Party the other day? Well these are the penguins who showed up:
My Cousin! My Best Friend And my best freind's Member. Thanks for coming! I will hold another one again soon! Stay weird and partying! More BRAND NEW!!
Oh, boy! Club Penguin has made another great NEW IDEA! They said its a collectable.
I think its ALL the pins in CP history and we have to go on a scavenger hunt to find them all. What do YOU think? Stamps, Pins, A hot dog? We'll find out more soon! Stay weird and collectable! Sorry, Postponed.
Im sorry, but the Australian Club Penguin party is postponed to:
Time/Date: Sunday,11th July 2010. 4:30 PM Server/Area: Down Under, Underground Mine. I had to postpone it because I missed the party. Also Australians are allowed. And I got CHICKEN POX!!! Seriously. REAL chicken pox. Its just TERRIBLE!! But i'll see ya there tomorrow. Stay weird and postponed. Oh P.S The American one is still going at 12PM today. CONGA, CONGA, CONGA!!
Conga time! If you want to do the Conga with your buddies just follow these instuctions:
1. Tell all the penguins that you’re making a conga line. Try saying: Conga! Make a line.” 2. To start with, move slowly until everyone gets the hang of it. Try saying: “FOLLOW ME!” 3. Click the place you’re going, not other penguins. Clicking another penguin will slow you down! 4. Keep moving! And you don’t have to stay in the same room. If you get hungry, stop and eat fish pizza. So do the Conga with your buddies! Stay weird and CONGA! MUSIC JAM IS HERE!
Sadly this is for members only. :( This is also only for members. You have to get the All Access Pass, go to the Dock, click backstage, and click the box with these tops in it. And in the same room are some HOT instruments. More on the 15th June. Sadly only for members AGAIN! Go to the Disco, go upstairs, click Backstage, and then click the box with the boom boxes in it. And finally something for non-members in the Cove is some blue headphones! Stay weird and Jammin'! My first party! Whoop Whoop!
Hey guys guess what? Reader: Youve gone crazy again? Me: No. >: ( . Im having my very first...drumroll please! I said drumroll! (Drums beat) Im having my first party! On CP! And YOU, yes you the reader can meet me on club penguin! Here are the Details:
Time/Date: 3:30 pm, Saturday 10th July 2010 (Duh. Im not doing it next year) Server: Down Under Area: Underground Mine Penguin: Australis08 Password: Its...Why am I giving my password? And im Australian so Im holding one for Americans: Time/Date: Friday 12 pm, 9th July 2010. Server: Yukon Area: Disco Penguin: Fluffy25656 So PLEASE be there. Stay weird and there...at the party...at you know were. Put your hands together for...
JENNY GOLD7! She's the winner of the sentence comp! Why? BECAUSE SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO ENTERED! This was her caption:
I think its funny! Dont you? Well she wins the prize! But dont worry, you might win next time! Stay weird and funny (Sorta)
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