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How to be a Pro and avoid being a Con

How to be a pro and avoid being a con
On Club Penguin there are pro’s and cons. But im sure you don’t know what “Pro’s and Cons” are. Well, simple. Pros: The good’s, Con’s (obviously) the bad. But im going to tell you how to be and STAY a pro. And avoid the cons and BEING a con. First im going to tell you a list of pros and cons about Club Penguin.
Free Items
Free to join
Design your iggy and penguie.
Arrange meetings and parties with friends
Famous Guys (& Gals)
Updates all the time
Bans Cyber bullies

Membership is pretty expensive
Only members can get clothes, go to better levels of games, Iggy décor ECT.
You can get banned forever
There can be a LITTLE bit of cyber bullying
Some games are hard
Famous Guys (& Gals) are hard to find
They don’t sell cheese

There isn’t that many Cons’ but just to make sure you SHOULD stay a Pro.

You can even become popular if you’re a Pro.

First: Don’t be rude. For eg. : A penguin says “That’s a weird outfit.” You DON’T say “Well that’s an UGLY outfit”. You say “Oh! It’s the latest CP fashion! Thanks SO much!” Or you say “Im famous” and another says “No your not”. Don’t reply “Well what do YOU know about being famous? You’re just a dumb, old, plain penguin. Im the smart, young fancy penguin. Duh!”
Say “Well maybe not in your perspective. But that’s OK. Everyone’s different!” So don’t. Don’t be a meanie. Be a kindy! (If that’s a word)

Second: Don’t show off. Be proud of who you are. Like for eg. : Don’t say “Im a member and your not! Im so cooler than you.” That’s not only showing off, it’s being mean. Say “Oh…Too bad your not a member. If I knew you I could give you membership STRAIGHT AWAY!” And when you’re holding an Iggy Party, don’t say “Come to my house. It’s THE BEST! It’s so much better that dumbo’s, over there!” Say “Hey! Im holding an Iggy Party! It’s really cool! Please Come!” So remember: Be proud, not a bragger!

Third: DON’T CHEAT! Don’t cheat in games, on penguins, or on items. It’s not right. No.1 You could get banned. No.2 A Penguin could moderate you. So don’t copy items, steal other penguin’s clothes or try a $1,000,000 coins cheat. Don’t. The only cheat you can do is The CP cheats on your blog or website.

Forth: Be a sport! Cheer others! Don’t brag about yourself, Brag about others! If they’re in a game, sport or competition, cheer for them. But remember DON’T BOO!! Booing is bad. Its unsportsmanship! So do cheer, don’t BOO!

Fifth: Don’t advertise. Maybe you can say once or twice, you have a nice website, But DON’T advertise ALL the time. It’ll bore penguins. They’ll just walk away from you. (Or run) So just don’t advertise!!

That was all of the Pros you should do. Don’t listen to any cons. They’ll just turn you bad. Just follow all of these and you’ll be an expert pro! You’ll be immortal. Thanks for reading!

Stay weird and a Pro!