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My first party! Whoop Whoop!

Hey guys guess what? Reader: Youve gone crazy again? Me: No. >: ( . Im having my very first...drumroll please! I said drumroll! (Drums beat) Im having my first party! On CP! And YOU, yes you the reader can meet me on club penguin! Here are the Details:

Time/Date: 3:30 pm, Saturday 10th July 2010 (Duh. Im not doing it next year)

Server: Down Under

Area: Underground Mine

Penguin: Australis08

Password: Its...Why am I giving my password?

And im Australian so Im holding one for Americans:

Time/Date: Friday 12 pm, 9th July 2010.

Server: Yukon

Area: Disco

Penguin: Fluffy25656

So PLEASE be there.

Stay weird and the you know were.

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