Image Map

: (

Hey guys. I have something a little upsetting to say. I am making my very own webshow called iMario. And yes...I do like Mario. And thats why I haven't been posting that often. Cuz making a webshow is VERY hard. So that means, I WONT BE QUITTING, but I'm not gonna be updating that much any more.

Even Fluffy had a Mario suit on. But if you want to watch iMario you just look up iMario64 on Youtube. (But you must add the 64.) And soon i'll create a website for it too. So...Im sorry all my fans but like I said im NOT quitting. Im just not updating as much. : (

Stay weird and sad...

This was supposed to be the best party of the year!

Aww. No one came! Whaaaaaa! I was waiting for 15 minuets at the door for YOU!

Not one penguin came. Why? I even told the whole of [You]Tube. Awwww.

And Rox Nitro! I thought better from you. >: (

Stay weird and not coming

It wasn't a glitch, it was a gift!

Today I got in the mail, a Parents note from CP.

So it wasn't a glitch, it was a gift. : )

Stay weird and un-glitched!

A Nightmare of Christmas competition

I got a new comp for you! Yep. Its a big one. So you gotta really try. You have to make the best, scariest scene you can do, for my new up-coming movie, A Nightmare of Christmas. The best and scariest one will get, their scene posted in the movie, their own header, their own html banner, their own blog on my website, and a secret party with either Australis08 of Fluffy25656 (Optional). Alot of prizes for just a short video. Oh! And it has to be under 5 minuets. You can make it longer if you really have to, but it would be better if it was under 5 minuets.

Good Luck!

Stay weird and trying!

Early Party!

It seem's I got an early party! Today I put my iggy on the map, then I went to it and look how many penguins were there:

The top amount of penguins I got were 9. If I got one more I woulda gotten a stamp. : ( . But It was a fun party! They loved it. They stayed for at least 40 minuets. (Thats a long time for a penguin to stay in an igloo)

But my party is still going on, on the 20th. Hope you'll be there! ; )

Stay weird and early!

Alight in the water!

Who knew you could put fire in water?

Fluffy can!

Stay weird and wet!

Holidays have STARTED!

Hey! Guess what! MY SCHOOL HOLIDAYS HAVE STARTED. It's for 6 weeks. So that means MORE BLOGGING! And more videos! You can see my videos here. So make sure you check here everyday! 'Cuz i'll be postin', EVERYDAY. YAY!

Stay weird and holidays!

Glitchy! That Rockhopper made!

You all know that if you click this:

You get this:

Well this is what happens, when you click THIS:

Weird. And Australis08 changed her clothes! o O!

Stay weird and o O-ish!

Rockin Arctic! (Tweet, tweedly, TWEET)

Hey! Check out this VERY FUNNY picture I found on the net, yesterday (From the 13th of December).

Its funny! Rockin Arctic! Tweet, tweedly, TWEET!

Stay weird and rocking!

The weiner of it all!

Congrats CP! CP won in the BAFTA awards. For those of you who don't know, BAFTA stands for - British Academy of Film and Television Awards - it's a really big deal in the UK! OMG! And here is Rockhopper and double "A", with the Award:

RH & Double "A" actually got to TOUCH it. WOW!! Congrat's again CP! You ROCK!

Stay weird and BAFTA!

Fluffy-mas #1

This is 1 of infinite things thats gonna be in Fluffy-mas. His new MOVIE! It's a Horror Movie! It's called:

And you can even get a desktop background of it here! Then right click it and click "Set as Desktop Background". But there's still SOOOOO many things for Fluffy-mas. Also, the movie also stars: Australis08 & Fluffy25657. But, Yeah!

Stay weird and nightmare!

Want 500 free coins?

Well you got 'em! On CP of course. Just enter this code into the code entering place and you'll be on your way!


Even though I used it, you can too! It's a glitch! So unless you don't want 500 free coins, enter that code!

Stay weird and de-coded!

Meet Little Australis!

When Australis's little brother, Australis, got zapped by a scientific machine, everyone thought he was dead. But those sacred years, Australis wasn't dead. He was just the size of an ant. Living through a life of BIG STUFF!

See them all in Little Australis's page at the top! They're good, BIG-TIME!

Stay weird and little!

Its CPT's 100th blog! SPECTACULAR!!!!

You, right now, are reading the 100th blog of Clubpenguintron3000! Congratulations! Leave your website in the comments and I will post on your website: the word "pizza", a picture of a banana and gibberish talk! Then i'll sign it with Australis! But thats not all! We're gonna go through a recap of CPT 2010! Let's start with my first post: Which you probably will hate, (it was about a scientist). Now remember this:

That was before CP gave Australis08 her suit! She was aqua! And showing off that AWSM medal of hers!

This was the random pic I put on my sidebar:

This is my old header:
 Wasn't it sweet!? Now I change my header every new event on CP!

Back in the Cheating days!  But no more cheating anymore for me!

My sista's new penguin:

The weiner of the crazy costume comp:

Holograms with Australis08! Bringing you the best Hologram news in CP!

My first eva Field Op!

Worst CP party, EVA!!

The weiner of the Sentence Comp!

The first evidence of: STAMPS!

The green puffles first flight!

Another new header:

My B-day brezznts!

The spot da diff. comp:

My Halloween iggy:

My Halloween Iggy Party Timetable:

I like shrimp (A.K.A.Dancing Clothes Glitch):

Evidence of Card-Jitsu Water:

My Elite Puffle:

Playing Water-CJ with The Famous: Saraapril

One of 6 Christmas Gliches



And that's CPT's 2010 Recap. And there's still more to come! YAY!!!!

Stay weird and 100th!

Fluffy-mas is Coming your way...

Fluffy25656, (My member, and Australis08's Bro) is heading bigtime for the Club Penguin's Holiday Party 2010. He's got LOT'S planned this year. He's hardly even STARTED yet, and he's already worked 2 hours on it. He's hardly made a dent in an apple! But you'll have to wait a few more week's 'till it comes. So stay waiting.

Stay weird and waiting for something big...


I got him! I finally got him! A PURPLE PUFFLE! YAY! The puffle i've ALWAYS wanted! Take a look:

And heres him with a HAMSTA!

Aww. Twilight's falling! Oh! I forgot! I named him Twilight! So theres that! My purple puffle. 

BTW, It started off as a girl, then the next said it wanted to be a boy. 

Stay weird and ramdom hamster! Lol!

Who says one wrong move'll shut me down?

 If you saw my previous post, you heard me say I dont post catalog cheats. Well...I just got ONE post with 'em. : ) . I gotta do this quick before Billybob walks in from the toilet!

Ahh! The doors opening! ; ( . Oh! Hi Bella! She's my cat. But only I can see her. : o.

Stay weird and..."Hey Australis! Do I see you making a blog?" No Billybob!

Why am I so phoey?

Yo! Im sure alot of you guys have realized I don't put catalog cheats up on my site. Well, theres a reason. I asked CP before I made this website, for copyright issues. And they wrote back to me saying:

Sure! Of course you can. You might be taking credit for something we did, but your doing it as a fan. As long as your website dosn't involve cheating or offensive stuff to Club Penguin, it's fine.

See! Im not aloud to put cheats on. COMPUTER! YOU CAN STOP UNDERLINING THE WORD "cheats"! *Groan* But I'm sorry I dont do them. But it's fun finding them yourselves! Literally. I do it all the time. But then again, sorry.

Stay weird without cheats. Whaaa!!

Buggy Christmas

Why...WHY!!?? Why are there so many bugs with the Christmas clothing? I found 6. (Well 3 if you dont include the doubles)

There's two Christmas suits. One here:
 And one here:

Its a double snowbone!

And double the Santa hats too!
 Double, I say...DOUBLE!

And NOW...I WANT MY FLIPPER WARMERS! I bought some flipper warmers, then put them on, but when I looked at my penguin, they weren't on me! Whaaa!!

And last: I put the Elf Dress on, then waved, and then this weird glitch came up to me!

Ergh! It looks uncomfortable! I would've worn the Pigtail Elf Hat, but you couldn't see the glitch cuz the pigtails were in the way. WAIT! The pigtails were in the way? Maybe CP knows about the glitch and just put the pigtails to hide the glitch! I wonder.
But also, have you seen the animated background yet? It's AWSM! Sorry I dont have a pic of it on my penguins. I dont have a "gif." generator. But in the catalog its the first background on the page. So I recommend you buy it. It's the first animated one. And its for non-members too, so yeah!

I hope all the bugs are fixed...Actually...I DONT! I like the bugs. Except the Flipper Warmer one. I wanted to show off my beautiful flipper warmers!

But lets just keep our hopes up for the Christmas Party!

Stay weird and buggy!