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Island Adventure Party 2011 Cheats!

THE ADVENTURE PARTY IS HERE!! I ♥ IT!! And now...Here are the cheats! First up, Blue Crab Suit! Go to the underwater cave! Then, next to the ladder, will be a blue crab suit! Waddle up to it and click it! Then this'll come up!

ITS BEATIFUL!! ITS GOT PURPLE EYES! Ja (Ja means Ya)! And now you got the blue crab suit!! Now you need to put it on for the next cheat!! It's a game! It's called...I don't know what it's called. But you need to wear the crab suit to play it. Or you could just yell out "crab". But it's way trendier to do it with the crab suit on! You then have to follow the jems!

"Crabs talk to crabs". That's random! I LOVE RANDOM! XD! Once you've won 5 times, a shirt will appear on the upper right corner!

Then click it and this'll pop up!

Say "yes". Ya know you wanna! The next cheat is the free Rockhopper item cheat! Ya know his catalog in his ship!

Yeah, well click the bottom left corner

 Now you got a ship in a bottle! Sa-weet! The last cheat is the blue crab cheat. The other blue crab cheat. The one where I wont make the word "blue"! Stay at the cove for 10-20 mins and he'll pop up!

He'll walk around like the other crabs. Only...HE'S BLUE! And rare. ; ) And thats pretty much it! Yeah! I hope I helped!


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